
Monday, November 28, 2005

Size 2 diapers just don't cut it anymore

The problem with stretchy-tabs on diapers is that you don't get a very good sense that your child is outgrowing the diaper until she ruins one or two nice outfits. Usually stretchy tabs are nice because they are easy to adjust, but this very feature makes you think, "Well, there's plenty of leeway around the waist, it's not time to advance to the next size." Then you have an exploded diaper. But the first time you think it's just an accident. So you keep on with that diaper. Only after the next few times do you really start to problem solve.

So now my daughter wears size 3 shorts. She is outgrowing her nine months clothes. The thing is, she is really tall but not really fat, so for example if she is wearing pants, they fall down because her waist won't hold them up. But if she is wearing onesies, they are starting to get tight around her toes and diaper.

In other news, she is making such wonderful sounds! Sometimes she is siga (Tagalog for "tough-guy" or "macho.") Obviously it is hard to describe with words, but the way she says "Ah!" it sounds like she is demanding something. Sometimes too she has this really extended "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh-ah!" with a crescendo at the end. It lasts longer than 5 seconds sometimes. And honestly, I think she is trying to sing, because it usually happens when someone is singing.


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