I finally got the birthday pictures
Here are some pictures from Ruby's birthday party. Unfortunately, every single picture was taken without flash, so about 98% of the pictures taken that day were blurry, including the ones here.
The brilliance in the last picture may be a little hard to grasp. It's a little bit like Pattern Recognition 101. The big picnic table was in the kitchen first. Ruby found a little picnic table in the living room mixed with all the rest of the toys, and she knew exactly where to put it.
The brilliance in the last picture may be a little hard to grasp. It's a little bit like Pattern Recognition 101. The big picnic table was in the kitchen first. Ruby found a little picnic table in the living room mixed with all the rest of the toys, and she knew exactly where to put it.
At 8:12 PM, Julana said…
They don't look blurry to me! Just a little bright. I love that picture of the picnic table!!!!
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