
Monday, March 06, 2006

Ruby can get past blockades

Dad was cooking and he didn't want Ruby to come in the kitchen, so he put a laundry basket in the doorway. When he turned around, he found this:

Ruby can pull herself up to standing on the couch. She is not cruising yet, but I wouldn't be surprised if she does that sometime soon. We have two gates, one at the top of the stairs and one at the bottom. For everything else, we put things in the way, knowing full well that she will eventually figure out a way past them or over them. It slows her down and gives us a chance to spot her and reset her over at the other end of the room.

She really terrorizes her brother, and I know I've mentioned this before, but I have to talk about it again because it is so hilarious. He is playing with a ball, and Ruby comes up from behind him and reaches for the ball. He cries, "No Ruby don't get the ball!" and he runs to the other side of the living room. Ruby sees him run off and thinks it's a fun game, so she smiles and starts crawling towards him. She is still about ten feet away, and Theo is already hollering, "No Ruby! Don't come to get this!" And he's running all around the room yelling for Ruby to stop and she's crawling slowly towards him with a big goofy grin.


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