
Thursday, July 07, 2005

One week old

You can learn a lot about someone in one week, even if they don't talk yet. Ruby is not a demanding baby. Reasons to fuss include hunger, dirty diapers, and snuggling. She likes being naked, and awake, both which are usually the case when Mom is feeding her. She seems to like relieving herself while Dad is changing her (but not Mom for some reason--random chance?) Her hair looks really cute when it's messy. And she makes a Dad feel very happy when she's snuggling him as in this picture.

Friday, July 01, 2005

Ruby Pastora

Born June 29, 2005, at 2:47 pm

8 lbs even
20 inches
100% beautiful and healthy

I went into the hospital on June 29 for a scheduled induction for post-dates. I was supposedly 40 wks, 6 days. I was also 4 cm dilated without any labor (I wasn't contracting.)

Here is the approximate timeline:
10:30-11:00 am We arrived at the hospital. They poke me 3 times to get the IV in, and I am in tears. They start pitocin.
12:37 pm Nothing is really happening. I'm still not having contractions--this is because they start the pitocin on low doses and titrate up. My doctor decides that since I'm just hanging out, he'll do an AROM (artificial rupture of membranes, aka break the water.) I am still 4 cm. At some point, the anesthesiologist speaks to me about having an epidural. The contractions start almost immediately after the AROM.
12:45-1:00 pm I realize that this is going to be painful. I decide that I want an epidural. My nurse pages the anesthesiologist. He is finishing up placing someone else's epidural.
1:15 pm or so I really have no sense of time here because the contractions are suddenly very very painful. The anesthesiologist comes to give me the epidural, but just at the last second, Ruby starts having late decelerations, which are not such a good thing. We have to wait to get the epidural.
1:30 pm or so Ruby is doing fine now, so they start placing the epidural.
1:53 pm I receive the full dose of pain relief.
2:15 pm or so The epidural has kicked in and we are satisfied with the results. The nurse does an internal exam and we find out that I am complete (10 cm dilated.) There was no time to spare.
2:20 pm or maybe just a little before I start pushing. At some point I remember the amount of pain I was in when I had Theo (I did not have an epidural with him) and I tell you what, I am a BIG fan of pain relief.
2:47 pm Ruby is born. She is covered in vernix (white stuff resembling lowfat cream cheese) which is an indication that she was NOT 40 wks and 6 days gestation; vernix is usually mostly gone in babies that are overripe. She is crying and clearly healthy. Her APGAR is 9 at 1 minute.