
Sunday, September 21, 2008

Uncle Casper took some great pictures

More fun with simple toys

This is not the first time that the children found potholders to be useful.

Nanay (Ruby's great-grandmother) gave her the doll. I asked Ruby if the doll looked like her, and Ruby came up with several important differences:

1.) "I don't have a pretty dress like this. I need to get one."
2.) "I don't have these slippers. But I have some slippers at home."
3.) "She doesn't have curly curly hair like me."
4.) Ruby doesn't have flowers in her hair. (I couldn't remember exactly what Ruby said to describe this.)
5.) "Mom, your hair is black, and her hair is yellow. And dad's hair is black, and my hair is black, and Theo's hair is black." (Theo chimed in here and said, "Dad's hair is gray-white.")
6.) "Her eyes are blue and white and black. My eyes are only white and black."

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Dad tries to teach Ruby math, with hilarious result

Dad: If you have one x, then you draw another x, then what do you have?
Ruby: Friends! The x's can be friends!

Dad (tries again): If you start with one x and then add another x, how many x's do you have?
Ruby: Draw a line. If you draw a line and connect the x's then you have a ZIPLINE!

Dad (covers up an x): How many x's do you see?
Ruby: One.
Dad (uncovers one x, covers up the other x): Now how many x's do you see?
Ruby: One.
Dad (uncovers both x's): Now what's one plus one?
Ruby: Four!
Dad: Ruby, count them, how many x's do you see?
Ruby: One, two. Two! We can play tic-tac-toe.

Dad: When you say "plus" it means you are putting two things together. Like, "one plus one" is the same as saying, "one put together with one."
Ruby: Look, Dad, I'm laying down in the crack.

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Ruby loves pink

At first she didn't want to take any pictures. She specifically said, "Mom, don't take any pictures because I'm gonna wait for Theo." He was in the middle of getting dressed, and she wanted to take a picture with him. I told her that we could start with just pictures of her, then when Kuya was ready he would get in the picture right away. She was satisfied with that and very happily took a picture:

And then Kuya finished getting his pajamas on, so they put their arms around each other, and I got this one: