
Monday, November 28, 2005

Size 2 diapers just don't cut it anymore

The problem with stretchy-tabs on diapers is that you don't get a very good sense that your child is outgrowing the diaper until she ruins one or two nice outfits. Usually stretchy tabs are nice because they are easy to adjust, but this very feature makes you think, "Well, there's plenty of leeway around the waist, it's not time to advance to the next size." Then you have an exploded diaper. But the first time you think it's just an accident. So you keep on with that diaper. Only after the next few times do you really start to problem solve.

So now my daughter wears size 3 shorts. She is outgrowing her nine months clothes. The thing is, she is really tall but not really fat, so for example if she is wearing pants, they fall down because her waist won't hold them up. But if she is wearing onesies, they are starting to get tight around her toes and diaper.

In other news, she is making such wonderful sounds! Sometimes she is siga (Tagalog for "tough-guy" or "macho.") Obviously it is hard to describe with words, but the way she says "Ah!" it sounds like she is demanding something. Sometimes too she has this really extended "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh-ah!" with a crescendo at the end. It lasts longer than 5 seconds sometimes. And honestly, I think she is trying to sing, because it usually happens when someone is singing.

Sunday, November 27, 2005

Ruby laughs out loud

What a beautiful sound when Ruby laughs! You can get her to laugh by surprising her by bringing your face real close to hers (like a 3D bulaga) or by making funny noises while kissing her chin. It is very very lovely. We went to Lola Linda and Lolo Rudy's house for Thanksgiving, and Ruby charmed everyone with her easygoing personality and winning smile. And of course, she always smelled awful from spitting up on her clothes, and she managed to have a poopoo blowout in the mall.

The second picture is from when we went to cut down our Christmas tree, and the third is after the tree was set up. Ruby looked like a big pink marshmallow out there. Half of the time, her hood covered her face and eyes and we wouldn't think to fix it because she wouldn't complain for a long time. When she did complain, it was just some light whimpering. There are a few more pictures of our tree-cutting adventure on Kuya Theo's blog.

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Ruby and Mom make faces at each other

This picture is a month old, but I like it. Ruby is getting very good at using her arms and hands. She can grab her toes. She likes the time right after her baths because she is naked and can easily find her toes, and the moment she realizes that you are going to put clothes on her, she starts hollering. She also likes being kissed and can anticipate kisses. When you bring your head close to hers she starts to make happy faces and even leans her head in towards yours to receive the kiss. For a while I wondered if we were just imagining that last bit, but we tested it several times and she really does lean towards you.

In other news, I have finished MICU and it got a lot better after that first day. Even that resident that yelled at me ended up being very nice and a good teacher. Now I am doing an infectious diseases consult elective, and WOW it's laid back! No weekends, no call, 9 am to 4 pm, spending the first couple of hours surfing the web, waiting for consults that will never come. I got Thursday and Friday off for Thanksgiving too. I deserve this, man. My kids and my Ted deserve this.

This is quickly becoming a blog about my medical school adventures as well as about Ruby. I just don't have anywhere else to post all this stuff.